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40 definitions found for Storthyngura

Storthyngura belongs to:

Storthyngura consists of:
Storthyngura abyssalis
Storthyngura argentica
Storthyngura atlantica
Storthyngura benti
Storthyngura bicornis
Storthyngura birsteini
Storthyngura brachycephala
Storthyngura challengeri
Storthyngura chelata
Storthyngura digitata
Storthyngura elegans
Storthyngura eltaniae
Storthyngura falcata
Storthyngura fragilis
Storthyngura furcata
Storthyngura gordonae
Storthyngura herculea
Storthyngura intermedia
Storthyngura magnispinis
Storthyngura novaezelandiae
Storthyngura octospinosalis
Storthyngura praegrandis
Storthyngura pulchra
Storthyngura robustissima
Storthyngura scotia
Storthyngura sepigia
Storthyngura serrata
Storthyngura snanoi
Storthyngura spinosa
Storthyngura symmetrica
Storthyngura tenuispinis
Storthyngura torbeni
Storthyngura triplispinosa
Storthyngura truncata
Storthyngura unicornalis
Storthyngura vemae
Storthyngura vitjazi
Storthyngura zenkevitchi

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