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25 definitions found for Ommastrephes

Ommastrephes belongs to:

Ommastrephes consists of:
Ommastrephes argentinus
Ommastrephes ayresii
Ommastrephes bartrami
Ommastrephes bartramii
Ommastrephes caroli
Ommastrephes cylindraceus
Ommastrephes eblanae
Ommastrephes giganteus
Ommastrephes gigas
Ommastrephes gouldi
Ommastrephes hawaiiensis
Ommastrephes megaptera
Ommastrephes oceanicus
Ommastrephes pteropus
Ommastrephes robusta
Ommastrephes sagittatus
Ommastrephes sloanii
Ommastrephes todarus
Ommastrephes tryonii
Ommastrephes volatilis

[en] English:
Flying Squids

[es] Spanish (Español):
Potas voladoras

[fr] French (Français):
Faux encornets

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