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43 definitions found for Lamproderma

Lamproderma belongs to:

Lamproderma consists of:
Lamproderma acanthosporum
Lamproderma alexopouli
Lamproderma anglicum
Lamproderma arcyrioides
Lamproderma arcyrionema
Lamproderma atrosporum
Lamproderma biasperosporum
Lamproderma brevipes
Lamproderma cacographicum
Lamproderma carestiae
Lamproderma collinsii
Lamproderma columbinum
Lamproderma cribrarioides
Lamproderma debile
Lamproderma disseminatum
Lamproderma echinulatum
Lamproderma elasticum
Lamproderma fuscatum
Lamproderma granulosum
Lamproderma griseum
Lamproderma gulielmae
Lamproderma hieroglyphicum
Lamproderma insessum
Lamproderma irideum
Lamproderma latifilum
Lamproderma laxum
Lamproderma longifilum
Lamproderma maculatum
Lamproderma mucronatum
Lamproderma ovoideum
Lamproderma physaroides
Lamproderma pseudomaculatum
Lamproderma pulveratum
Lamproderma puncticulatum
Lamproderma reticulosporum
Lamproderma retispora
Lamproderma sauteri
Lamproderma scintillans
Lamproderma spinulosporum
Lamproderma thindianum
Lamproderma violaceum

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