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21 definitions found for Heliothela

Heliothela belongs to:

Heliothela consists of:
Heliothela albocilialis
Heliothela aterrima
Heliothela atra
Heliothela atralis
Heliothela coerulealis
Heliothela didymospila
Heliothela floricola
Heliothela huebneri
Heliothela kruegeri
Heliothela nigralbata
Heliothela obfuscata
Heliothela ochreipennis
Heliothela ophideresana
Heliothela oreias
Heliothela paracentra
Heliothela persumptana
Heliothela praegalliensis
Heliothela pusilla
Heliothela undulalis
Heliothela wulfeniana

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