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52 definitions found for Centropyge

Centropyge belongs to:

Centropyge consists of:
Centropyge acanthops
Centropyge argi
Centropyge aurantanota
Centropyge aurantia
Centropyge aurantius
Centropyge aurantonotus
Centropyge bicolor
Centropyge bispinosa
Centropyge bispinosus
Centropyge boylei
Centropyge caudovittatus
Centropyge caudoxanthorus
Centropyge colini
Centropyge debelius
Centropyge eibli
Centropyge ferrugata
Centropyge ferrugatus
Centropyge fisheri
Centropyge flammeus
Centropyge flavicauda
Centropyge flavipectoralis
Centropyge flavissima
Centropyge flavissimus
Centropyge heraldi
Centropyge hotumatua
Centropyge interruptus
Centropyge joculator
Centropyge loricula
Centropyge loriculus
Centropyge multicolor
Centropyge multifasciata
Centropyge multifasciatus
Centropyge multispinis
Centropyge multispinus
Centropyge nahackyi
Centropyge narcosis
Centropyge nigriocella
Centropyge nigriocellus
Centropyge nox
Centropyge potteri
Centropyge resplendens
Centropyge shepardi
Centropyge tibicen
Centropyge venusta
Centropyge venustus
Centropyge vrolicki
Centropyge vroliki
Centropyge vrolikii
Centropyge woodheadi
Holacanthus tenigab

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