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27 definitions found for Ankylocythere

Ankylocythere belongs to:

Ankylocythere consists of:
Ankylocythere ancyla
Ankylocythere bidentata
Ankylocythere burkeorum
Ankylocythere burkerorum
Ankylocythere carpenteri
Ankylocythere chipola
Ankylocythere copiosa
Ankylocythere cubensis
Ankylocythere ephydra
Ankylocythere freyi
Ankylocythere hamata
Ankylocythere harmani
Ankylocythere heterodonta
Ankylocythere hobbsi
Ankylocythere hyba
Ankylocythere krantzi
Ankylocythere maya
Ankylocythere prolata
Ankylocythere sinuosa
Ankylocythere tallapoosa
Ankylocythere talulus
Ankylocythere telmoecea
Ankylocythere tiphophila
Ankylocythere toltecae
Ankylocythere tridentata
Ankylocythere villalobosi

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