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24 definitions found for Amphinema

Amphinema belongs to:

Amphinema consists of:
Amphinema angustispora
Amphinema arachispora
Amphinema australe
Amphinema australis
Amphinema biscayana
Amphinema byssoides
Amphinema cheshirei
Amphinema diadema
Amphinema dinema
Amphinema krampi
Amphinema modernisme
Amphinema physophorum
Amphinema platyhedos
Amphinema rubrum
Amphinema rugosa
Amphinema rugosum
Amphinema shantungensis
Amphinema sordescens
Amphinema tomentellum
Amphinema tsingtauensis
Amphinema turrida
Amphinema turridum

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