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15 definitions found for Testudo hermanni

Testudo hermanni belongs to:

Testudo hermanni consists of:
Testudo hermanni robertmertensi
Testudo hermanni subsp. boettgeri
Testudo hermanni subsp. hermanni

Testudo hermanni synonyms:
Testudo hermanni robertmertensi

[bg] Bulgarian (Български):
Шипоопашата костенурка

[de] German (Deutsch):
Griechische Landschildkröte

[en] English:
Herman's Tortoise
Hermann's Tortoise

[fr] French (Français):
Tortue de Hermann

[nl] Dutch (Nederlands):
Griekse landschildpad

[pl] Polish (Polski):
Żółw grecki

[ro] Romanian (Română):
ţestoasa de uscat bănăţeană

[sv] Swedish (Svenska):
Grekisk landsköldpadda

[tr] Turkish (Türkçe):
Herman kaplumbağası

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