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40 definitions found for Sphaerotheca

Sphaerotheca belongs to:

Sphaerotheca consists of:
Sphaerotheca alchemillae
Sphaerotheca aphanis
Sphaerotheca balsaminae
Sphaerotheca breviceps
Sphaerotheca castagnei
Sphaerotheca dipsacacearum
Sphaerotheca dobsoni
Sphaerotheca epilobii
Sphaerotheca erigerontis-canadensis
Sphaerotheca euphorbiae
Sphaerotheca euphorbiae-hirtae
Sphaerotheca ferruginea
Sphaerotheca fugax
Sphaerotheca fuliginea
Sphaerotheca fusca
Sphaerotheca helianthemi
Sphaerotheca humuli
Sphaerotheca leucorhynchus
Sphaerotheca leucotricha
Sphaerotheca macularis
Sphaerotheca mali
Sphaerotheca maskeyi
Sphaerotheca melampyri
Sphaerotheca mors-uvae
Sphaerotheca pannosa
Sphaerotheca parietariae
Sphaerotheca plantaginis
Sphaerotheca polemonii
Sphaerotheca rolandae
Sphaerotheca spiraeae
Sphaerotheca strachani
Sphaerotheca swani
Sphaerotheca thalictri
Sphaerotheca tomentosa
Sphaerotheca ulmariae
Sphaerotheca verbenae
Sphaerotheca volkartii
Sphaerotheca xanthii

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