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25 definitions found for Sophora tomentosa
Sophora tomentosa belongs to:
Sophora tomentosa consists of:
Sophora tomentosa littoralis
Sophora tomentosa occidentalis
Sophora tomentosa subsp. australis
Sophora tomentosa subsp. bahamensis
Sophora tomentosa subsp. havanensis
Sophora tomentosa subsp. littoralis
Sophora tomentosa subsp. longiflora
Sophora tomentosa subsp. occidentalis
Sophora tomentosa subsp. polyphylla
Sophora tomentosa subsp. tomentosa
Sophora tomentosa truncata
Sophora tomentosa var. littoralis
Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis
Sophora tomentosa var. truncata
Sophora tomentosa synonyms:
Sophora tometosa
Sophora tomentosa synonym of:
Sophora occidentalis
Sophora tonkinensis
[de] German (Deutsch):
[en] English:
Coast Laburnum
Yellow Necklacepod
Yellow Sophora
[es] Spanish (Español):
Sófora plateada
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