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51 definitions found for Sabethes

Sabethes belongs to:

Sabethes consists of:
Sabethes albiprivatus
Sabethes albiprivus
Sabethes amazonicus
Sabethes argyronotum
Sabethes aurescens
Sabethes batesi
Sabethes belisarioi
Sabethes bipartipes
Sabethes carrilloi
Sabethes chloropterus
Sabethes chroiopus
Sabethes conditus
Sabethes cyaneus
Sabethes fabricii
Sabethes forattinii
Sabethes glaucodaemon
Sabethes goeldii
Sabethes gorgasi
Sabethes gymnothorax
Sabethes hadrognathus
Sabethes identicus
Sabethes idiogenes
Sabethes ignotus
Sabethes intermedius
Sabethes kappleri
Sabethes lanei
Sabethes locuples
Sabethes longfieldae
Sabethes lutzianus
Sabethes lutzii
Sabethes luxodens
Sabethes melanonymphe
Sabethes neivai
Sabethes nitidus
Sabethes ortizi
Sabethes paradoxus
Sabethes paraitepuyensis
Sabethes purpureus
Sabethes quasicyaneus
Sabethes remipusculus
Sabethes schausi
Sabethes shannoni
Sabethes soperi
Sabethes spixi
Sabethes tarsopus
Sabethes tridentatus
Sabethes undosus
Sabethes whitmani
Sabethes xenismus
Sabethes xhyphydes

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