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49 definitions found for Rhypopteryx

Rhypopteryx belongs to:

Rhypopteryx consists of:
Rhypopteryx atectonipha
Rhypopteryx baliocosma
Rhypopteryx bowdeni
Rhypopteryx capnitis
Rhypopteryx carriala
Rhypopteryx celetica
Rhypopteryx civilis
Rhypopteryx diffusa
Rhypopteryx dracontea
Rhypopteryx dysbata
Rhypopteryx flaveola
Rhypopteryx flavinotata
Rhypopteryx fontainei
Rhypopteryx ganymedes
Rhypopteryx hemichrysa
Rhypopteryx hemiphanta
Rhypopteryx inconspicua
Rhypopteryx kamengo
Rhypopteryx lugardi
Rhypopteryx lymantrioides
Rhypopteryx macarthuri
Rhypopteryx minor
Rhypopteryx pachytaenia
Rhypopteryx perfragilis
Rhypopteryx perspicua
Rhypopteryx phoenicopoda
Rhypopteryx pinheyi
Rhypopteryx poecilanthes
Rhypopteryx polyploca
Rhypopteryx preissi
Rhypopteryx psoloconiama
Rhypopteryx psolozona
Rhypopteryx rhodalipha
Rhypopteryx rhodea
Rhypopteryx rhodocloea
Rhypopteryx rhodocraspeda
Rhypopteryx rhodosticta
Rhypopteryx romieuxi
Rhypopteryx rubripunctata
Rhypopteryx rufotincta
Rhypopteryx sordida
Rhypopteryx syntomoides
Rhypopteryx tessellata
Rhypopteryx triangulifera
Rhypopteryx tylota
Rhypopteryx uele
Rhypopteryx xuthomene
Rhypopteryx xuthosticta

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