- animals and plants

Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names

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21 definitions found for Remora

Remora belongs to:

Remora consists of:
Remora albescens
Remora australia
Remora australis
Remora brachyptera
Remora osteochir
Remora remora
Remora scutata

[af] Afrikaans for
Remora remora

[en] English:
Shark Suckers

[en] English for
Echeneis naucrates
Remora brachyptera
Remora remora

[es] Spanish for
Echeneis naucrates
Remora australis
Remora remora
Remorina albescens

[it] Italian for
Echeneis naucrates

[mt] Maltese for
Remora remora

[pl] Polish for
Remora remora

[sv] Swedish for
Remora remora

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