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26 definitions found for Prosoeca

Prosoeca belongs to:

Prosoeca consists of:
Prosoeca beckeri
Prosoeca caffraria
Prosoeca circumdata
Prosoeca connexa
Prosoeca flavipennis
Prosoeca ganglbaueri
Prosoeca handlirschi
Prosoeca ignita
Prosoeca lata
Prosoeca lichtwardti
Prosoeca major
Prosoeca nitidula
Prosoeca oldroydi
Prosoeca olivacea
Prosoeca ornata
Prosoeca peringueyi
Prosoeca pygmea
Prosoeca quinque
Prosoeca robusta
Prosoeca rubicunda
Prosoeca saxea
Prosoeca sublineata
Prosoeca umbrosa
Prosoeca willowmorensis
Prosoeca zuluensis

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