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28 definitions found for Podosphaera

Podosphaera belongs to:

Podosphaera consists of:
Podosphaera aphanis
Podosphaera aucupariae
Podosphaera balsaminae
Podosphaera clandestina
Podosphaera dipsacacearum
Podosphaera euphorbiae
Podosphaera euphorbiae-hirtae
Podosphaera ferruginea
Podosphaera fugax
Podosphaera fuliginea
Podosphaera fusca
Podosphaera helianthemi
Podosphaera leucotricha
Podosphaera macularis
Podosphaera minor
Podosphaera mors-uvae
Podosphaera myrtillina
Podosphaera oxyacanthae
Podosphaera pannosa
Podosphaera parietariae
Podosphaera plantaginis
Podosphaera polemonii
Podosphaera spiraeae
Podosphaera thalictri
Podosphaera tridactyla
Podosphaera volkartii
Podosphaera xanthii

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