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37 definitions found for Physoconops

Physoconops belongs to:

Physoconops consists of:
Physoconops abbreviatus
Physoconops analis
Physoconops apicalis
Physoconops argentinus
Physoconops atrofemorus
Physoconops aureolus
Physoconops bahamensis
Physoconops borneensis
Physoconops brachyrhynchus
Physoconops bulbirostris
Physoconops claripennis
Physoconops connectens
Physoconops cubanus
Physoconops discalis
Physoconops excisus
Physoconops floridanus
Physoconops fronto
Physoconops gilmorei
Physoconops gracilianus
Physoconops gracilis
Physoconops infuscatus
Physoconops jutogensis
Physoconops nigrimanus
Physoconops nigroclavatus
Physoconops nitens
Physoconops notatifrons
Physoconops obscuripennis
Physoconops parsonsi
Physoconops peruvianus
Physoconops shannoni
Physoconops sylvosus
Physoconops tetraspilotus
Physoconops thompsoni
Physoconops townsendi
Physoconops travassosi

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