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49 definitions found for Perityle

Perityle belongs to:

Perityle consists of:
Perityle aglossa
Perityle ajoensis
Perityle ambrosiifolia
Perityle angustifolia
Perityle bisetosa
Perityle californica
Perityle cernua
Perityle ciliata
Perityle cinerea
Perityle cochisensis
Perityle congesta
Perityle coronopifolia
Perityle dissecta
Perityle emoryi
Perityle emoryi var. nuda
Perityle fastigiata
Perityle fosteri
Perityle gilensis
Perityle gracilis
Perityle halimifolia
Perityle huecoensis
Perityle intricata
Perityle inyoensis
Perityle lemmonii
Perityle lindheimeri
Perityle megalocephala
Perityle megalocephala var. intricata
Perityle microglossa
Perityle microglossa microglossa
Perityle microglossa saxosa
Perityle parryi
Perityle quinqueflora
Perityle rotundata
Perityle rupestris
Perityle ruspestris
Perityle saxicola
Perityle specuicola
Perityle spilanthoides
Perityle stansburii
Perityle staurophylla
Perityle tenella
Perityle turneri
Perityle vaseyi
Perityle villosa
Perityle vitreomontana
Perityle warnockii

[en] English:
Rock Daisy

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