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33 definitions found for Penthetria

Penthetria belongs to:

Penthetria consists of:
Penthetria aberrans
Penthetria appendicula
Penthetria appendiculata
Penthetria beijingensis
Penthetria carbonaria
Penthetria clavata
Penthetria distincta
Penthetria erythrosticta
Penthetria formosana
Penthetria funebris
Penthetria gansuensis
Penthetria gracilima
Penthetria heros
Penthetria heteroptera
Penthetria holosericea
Penthetria indica
Penthetria japonica
Penthetria melanaspis
Penthetria mexicana
Penthetria nigerrima
Penthetria nigrita
Penthetria obscura
Penthetria picea
Penthetria ritsumeikana
Penthetria rufidorsalis
Penthetria shaanxiensis
Penthetria simplicipes
Penthetria takeuchii
Penthetria velutina
Penthetria yunnanica
Penthetria zheana

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