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38 definitions found for Negeta

Negeta belongs to:

Negeta consists of:
Negeta abbreviata
Negeta albescens
Negeta albigrisea
Negeta albiplagiata
Negeta approximans
Negeta argentula
Negeta chlorocrota
Negeta cinerascens
Negeta contrariata
Negeta cyrtogramma
Negeta dentilinealis
Negeta deviridata
Negeta geta
Negeta incisurata
Negeta lacteata
Negeta lacteola
Negeta leucophaea
Negeta luminosa
Negeta mesoleuca
Negeta molybdota
Negeta nivea
Negeta noloides
Negeta novaeguineensis
Negeta nubilicosta
Negeta ochreoplaga
Negeta orichalceaarcuata
Negeta parectata
Negeta phaeopepla
Negeta purpurascens
Negeta reticulata
Negeta ruficeps
Negeta secretaria
Negeta semialba
Negeta stalactitis
Negeta sublineata
Negeta tenax
Negeta ulula

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