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19 definitions found for Mullus barbatus

Mullus barbatus belongs to:

Mullus barbatus consists of:
Mullus barbatus auratus
Mullus barbatus barbatus
Mullus barbatus ponticus
Mullus barbatus surmuletus

Mullus barbatus synonym of:
Mullus barbatus barbatus

[da] Danish (Dansk):
rød mulle

[de] German (Deutsch):
Gewöhnliche Meerbarbe
Rote Meerbarbe

[en] English:
Bluntsnouted Mullet
Red Mullet
Striped Goatfish
Striped Mullet

[es] Spanish (Español):
Salmonete de fango
salmonete de fango

[fr] French (Français):
Rouget de vase
rouget de vase

[pt] Portuguese (Português):

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