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Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names

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22 definitions found for Megascops kennicottii

Megascops kennicottii belongs to:

Megascops kennicottii consists of:
Megascops kennicottii aikeni
Megascops kennicottii bendirei
Megascops kennicottii cardonensis
Megascops kennicottii kennicottii
Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei
Megascops kennicottii suttoni
Megascops kennicottii vinaceus
Megascops kennicottii xantusi
Megascops kennicottii yumanensis

[da] Danish (Dansk):
Vestamerikansk Dværghornugle

[de] German (Deutsch):

[en] English:
Tecolote Occidental
Western Screech-Owl

[es] Spanish (Español):
Autillo Californiano

[esmx] Spanish Mexico:
tecolote occidental

[fi] Finnish (suomen kieli):

[fr] French (Français):
Petit-duc des montagnes

[it] Italian (Italiano):
Assiolo americano occidentale

[nl] Dutch (Nederlands):
Westelijke Schreeuwuil

[pl] Polish (Polski):
syczek zachodni

[sv] Swedish (Svenska):
Västlig skrikdvärguv

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