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18 definitions found for Lycodes pallidus

Lycodes pallidus belongs to:

Lycodes pallidus consists of:
Lycodes pallidus marisalba
Lycodes pallidus marisalbi
Lycodes pallidus pallidus
Lycodes pallidus squamiventer

Lycodes pallidus synonyms:
Lycodes pallidus pallidus

[da] Danish (Dansk):
Bleg ålebrosme
bleg ålebrosme

[en] English:
Pale Eelpout

[fo] Faroese (Føroyskt):
Kámi úlvfiskur
kámi úlvfiskur

[fr] French (Français):
Lycode pâle
lycode pâle

[is] Icelandic (Íslenska):
Fölvi mjóri

[no] Norwegian (Norsk):
Blek ålebrosme
blek ålebrosme

[pl] Polish (Polski):
Glowik lodowy

[zh] Chinese (中文):

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