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20 definitions found for Hoplophanes

Hoplophanes belongs to:

Hoplophanes consists of:
Hoplophanes acrozona
Hoplophanes chalcolitha
Hoplophanes chalcophaedra
Hoplophanes chlorochrysa
Hoplophanes electritis
Hoplophanes haplochrysa
Hoplophanes hemiphragma
Hoplophanes heterospila
Hoplophanes lithocolleta
Hoplophanes monosema
Hoplophanes niphochalca
Hoplophanes panchalca
Hoplophanes peristera
Hoplophanes phaeochalca
Hoplophanes philomacha
Hoplophanes porphyropla
Hoplophanes rutilella
Hoplophanes semicuprea
Hoplophanes tritocosma

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