- animals and plants

Dictionary of Common (Vernacular) Names

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81 definitions found for Gerres

Gerres belongs to:

Gerres consists of:
Gerres abbreviatuis
Gerres abbreviatus
Gerres abreviatus
Gerres acinaces
Gerres altispinis
Gerres argyreus
Gerres aureolus
Gerres australis
Gerres axillaris
Gerres baconensis
Gerres bilobus
Gerres brasilianus
Gerres brasiliensis
Gerres brevimanus
Gerres carinatus
Gerres cheverti
Gerres chrysops
Gerres cinereus
Gerres darnleyense
Gerres darnleyensis
Gerres decacanthus
Gerres embryx
Gerres equula
Gerres equulus
Gerres erythrourus
Gerres filamentosus
Gerres gigas
Gerres gula
Gerres infasciatus
Gerres japonica
Gerres japonicus
Gerres jonesii
Gerres kapas
Gerres limbatus
Gerres lineolatus
Gerres longicaudus
Gerres longirostris
Gerres lucidus
Gerres macracanthus
Gerres macrosoma
Gerres maldivensis
Gerres melanopterus
Gerres melbournensis
Gerres methueni
Gerres mexicanus
Gerres microphthalmus
Gerres nigri
Gerres oblongus
Gerres octactis
Gerres olisthostoma
Gerres olisthostomus
Gerres ovatus
Gerres oyena
Gerres oynea
Gerres patao
Gerres periche
Gerres peruvianus
Gerres phaiya
Gerres philippinus
Gerres plumieri
Gerres poeti
Gerres poieti
Gerres poietie
Gerres profundus
Gerres punctata
Gerres punctatus
Gerres rappi
Gerres rhombeus
Gerres rueppellii
Gerres setifer
Gerres silaceus
Gerres singaporensis
Gerres socotranus
Gerres splendens
Gerres subfasciatus
Gerres vaigiensis

[en] English:
Yellowfin Mojarras

[es] Spanish (Español):

[fr] French (Français):

[ru] Russian for
Gerres oyena

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