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23 definitions found for Geochelone nigra

Geochelone nigra belongs to:

Geochelone nigra consists of:
Geochelone nigra abingdoni
Geochelone nigra subsp. abingdonii
Geochelone nigra subsp. becki
Geochelone nigra subsp. chathamensis
Geochelone nigra subsp. darwini
Geochelone nigra subsp. ephippium
Geochelone nigra subsp. guntheri
Geochelone nigra subsp. hoodensis
Geochelone nigra subsp. microphyes
Geochelone nigra subsp. nigra
Geochelone nigra subsp. nigrita
Geochelone nigra subsp. vandenburghi
Geochelone nigra subsp. vicina

Geochelone nigra synonyms:
Chelonoidis nigra

[de] German (Deutsch):

[en] English:
Galapagos Tortoise
Galápagos Tortoise

[es] Spanish (Español):
Tortuga gigante de las Galapagos

[fr] French (Français):
Tortue géante des Galapagos

[nl] Dutch (Nederlands):

[pl] Polish (Polski):
Żółw słoniowy

[pt] Portuguese (Português):
Tartaruga das Galápagos

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