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86 definitions found for Ephysteris

Ephysteris belongs to:

Ephysteris consists of:
Ephysteris accentella
Ephysteris albocapitella
Ephysteris arabiae
Ephysteris atalopis
Ephysteris aulacopis
Ephysteris australiae
Ephysteris brachypogon
Ephysteris brachyptera
Ephysteris bucolica
Ephysteris buvati
Ephysteris cacomicra
Ephysteris chersaea
Ephysteris chretieni
Ephysteris confusa
Ephysteris coniogramma
Ephysteris cretigena
Ephysteris crocoleuca
Ephysteris curtipennis
Ephysteris cyrenaica
Ephysteris delminiliella
Ephysteris deserticolella
Ephysteris despectella
Ephysteris dierli
Ephysteris diminutella
Ephysteris dispensata
Ephysteris eremaula
Ephysteris ericnista
Ephysteris extorris
Ephysteris fanatica
Ephysteris ferritincta
Ephysteris flavida
Ephysteris fluidescens
Ephysteris foulonsensis
Ephysteris fuscocrossa
Ephysteris gallica
Ephysteris gredosensis
Ephysteris hispanica
Ephysteris iberica
Ephysteris infallax
Ephysteris infirma
Ephysteris insularis
Ephysteris insulella
Ephysteris inustella
Ephysteris jamaicensis
Ephysteris juvenilis
Ephysteris kasyi
Ephysteris leptocentra
Ephysteris longicornis
Ephysteris lunaki
Ephysteris monticola
Ephysteris neosirota
Ephysteris obstans
Ephysteris ochrodeta
Ephysteris olympica
Ephysteris ornata
Ephysteris oschophora
Ephysteris oxythectis
Ephysteris paraleuca
Ephysteris parvula
Ephysteris pentamacula
Ephysteris petiginella
Ephysteris praticolella
Ephysteris promptella
Ephysteris pulverea
Ephysteris riadensis
Ephysteris ruth
Ephysteris semiophanes
Ephysteris sibila
Ephysteris silignitis
Ephysteris sirota
Ephysteris speciosa
Ephysteris suasoria
Ephysteris subcaerulea
Ephysteris subdiminutella
Ephysteris surda
Ephysteris synecta
Ephysteris tractatum
Ephysteris treskensis
Ephysteris tribulivora
Ephysteris trinota
Ephysteris turgida
Ephysteris unica
Ephysteris unitella
Ephysteris xanthorhabda
Ephysteris zygophyllella

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