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33 definitions found for Dura

Dura belongs to:

Dura consists of:
Dura ageta
Dura alba
Dura albicans
Dura amianta
Dura amplipennis
Dura apalochroa
Dura aroa
Dura basistriga
Dura centema
Dura cinnamomina
Dura dasychiroides
Dura dubia
Dura eucraera
Dura helicta
Dura ippolene
Dura isabella
Dura leptodes
Dura marginepunctata
Dura nepha
Dura niveus
Dura ochrias
Dura passonyx
Dura percnoptera
Dura plectrophora
Dura pratti
Dura prionodesma
Dura pseudalba
Dura pusilla
Dura pycnadelpha
Dura silca
Dura spodea
Dura sulphurea

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