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30 definitions found for Daphnis

Daphnis belongs to:

Daphnis consists of:
Daphnis andamana
Daphnis angustans
Daphnis bipartita
Daphnis callusia
Daphnis confluens
Daphnis dohertyi
Daphnis ernestina
Daphnis gigantea
Daphnis gloriosa
Daphnis hayesi
Daphnis hesperus
Daphnis horsfieldii
Daphnis hypothous
Daphnis infernelutea
Daphnis jamdenae
Daphnis layardii
Daphnis magnifica
Daphnis minima
Daphnis neriastri
Daphnis nerii
Daphnis nigra
Daphnis pallescens
Daphnis placida
Daphnis protrudens
Daphnis rosacea
Daphnis salomonis
Daphnis steffanyi
Daphnis torenia

[fr] French for
Coenonympha tullia

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