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26 definitions found for Cystoderma

Cystoderma belongs to:

Cystoderma consists of:
Cystoderma amianthinum
Cystoderma aureum
Cystoderma bucknallii
Cystoderma carcharias
Cystoderma chocoanum
Cystoderma cinnabarinum
Cystoderma contortipes
Cystoderma echinatum
Cystoderma echinellum
Cystoderma eyrei
Cystoderma fallax
Cystoderma granulosum
Cystoderma haematites
Cystoderma hetieri
Cystoderma jasonis
Cystoderma lilacipes
Cystoderma longisporum f. regulosoreticulatum
Cystoderma paradoxum
Cystoderma rhombosporum
Cystoderma seminudum
Cystoderma simulatum
Cystoderma superbum
Cystoderma terrei

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