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32 definitions found for Crypthelia

Crypthelia belongs to:

Crypthelia consists of:
Crypthelia affinis
Crypthelia balia
Crypthelia clausa
Crypthelia cryptotrema
Crypthelia curvata
Crypthelia cymas
Crypthelia dactylopoma
Crypthelia eueides
Crypthelia floridana
Crypthelia formosa
Crypthelia fragilis
Crypthelia gigantea
Crypthelia glebulenta
Crypthelia glossopoma
Crypthelia insolita
Crypthelia japonica
Crypthelia lacunosa
Crypthelia medioatlantica
Crypthelia micropoma
Crypthelia papillosa
Crypthelia peircei
Crypthelia platypoma
Crypthelia polypoma
Crypthelia pudica
Crypthelia ramosa
Crypthelia robusta
Crypthelia stenopoma
Crypthelia studeri
Crypthelia tenuiseptata
Crypthelia trophostega
Crypthelia vascomarquesi

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