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23 definitions found for Chiropterotriton

Chiropterotriton belongs to:

Chiropterotriton consists of:
Chiropterotriton abscondens
Chiropterotriton arboreus
Chiropterotriton barbouri
Chiropterotriton bromeliacia
Chiropterotriton chiropterus
Chiropterotriton chondrostega
Chiropterotriton cracens
Chiropterotriton dimidiatus
Chiropterotriton lavae
Chiropterotriton magnipes
Chiropterotriton megarhinus
Chiropterotriton mosaueri
Chiropterotriton multidentatus
Chiropterotriton nasalis
Chiropterotriton orculus
Chiropterotriton picadoi
Chiropterotriton priscus
Chiropterotriton terrestris
Chiropterotriton xolocalcae

[de] German (Deutsch):

[en] English:
Splayfoot Salamanders

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