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46 definitions found for Chela

Chela belongs to:

Chela consists of:
Chela anastoma
Chela anomalurus
Chela argentea
Chela atpar
Chela bacaila
Chela balookee
Chela barroni
Chela boopis
Chela cachius
Chela caeruleostigmata
Chela clupeoides
Chela dadiburjori
Chela dadidurjori
Chela dadyburjori
Chela dadydurjori
Chela diffusa
Chela fasciata
Chela fasciatus
Chela gora
Chela horai
Chela hypophthalmus
Chela johorensis
Chela laubuca
Chela maasi
Chela maassi
Chela maculicauda
Chela megalolepis
Chela mouhoti
Chela nicholsi
Chela oxygaster
Chela oxygastroides
Chela panjabensis
Chela phulo
Chela pointoni
Chela punjabensis
Chela quangbinhensis
Chela sardinella
Chela siamensis
Chela sladoni
Chela stigmabrachium
Chela teekanee
Chela untrahi

[bn] Bengali for
Salmostoma acinaces
Salmostoma bacaila
Salmostoma phulo

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