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88 definitions found for Cerithiopsis
Cerithiopsis belongs to:
Cerithiopsis consists of:
Cerithiopsis abruptum
Cerithiopsis albovittata
Cerithiopsis alcima
Cerithiopsis althea
Cerithiopsis antefilosum
Cerithiopsis antemunda
Cerithiopsis apicinum
Cerithiopsis ara
Cerithiopsis argenteum
Cerithiopsis arnoldi
Cerithiopsis aurea
Cerithiopsis bakeri
Cerithiopsis benthicum
Cerithiopsis berryi
Cerithiopsis bicolor
Cerithiopsis bristolae
Cerithiopsis carpenteri
Cerithiopsis cesta
Cerithiopsis charlottensis
Cerithiopsis columna
Cerithiopsis cosmia
Cerithiopsis costulatum
Cerithiopsis crystallinum
Cerithiopsis cynthia
Cerithiopsis decorum
Cerithiopsis diegensis
Cerithiopsis diomedeae
Cerithiopsis docata
Cerithiopsis elima
Cerithiopsis eliza
Cerithiopsis elsa
Cerithiopsis emersonii
Cerithiopsis exile
Cerithiopsis flava
Cerithiopsis fraseri
Cerithiopsis fusiformis
Cerithiopsis gemmulosa
Cerithiopsis georgianum
Cerithiopsis gloriosa
Cerithiopsis greenii
Cerithiopsis grippi
Cerithiopsis halia
Cerithiopsis hero
Cerithiopsis honora
Cerithiopsis ingens
Cerithiopsis io
Cerithiopsis iontha
Cerithiopsis iota
Cerithiopsis jeffreysi
Cerithiopsis kinoi
Cerithiopsis lata
Cerithiopsis latum
Cerithiopsis leipha
Cerithiopsis martensii
Cerithiopsis merida
Cerithiopsis metaxae
Cerithiopsis montereyensis
Cerithiopsis movilla
Cerithiopsis onealensis
Cerithiopsis oxys
Cerithiopsis paramoea
Cerithiopsis pedroana
Cerithiopsis pesa
Cerithiopsis petala
Cerithiopsis porteri
Cerithiopsis pulchellum
Cerithiopsis pupa
Cerithiopsis rowelli
Cerithiopsis rugulosum
Cerithiopsis serina
Cerithiopsis signa
Cerithiopsis sigsbeanum
Cerithiopsis stejnegeri
Cerithiopsis stephensae
Cerithiopsis subgloriosa
Cerithiopsis subulata
Cerithiopsis taeniolata
Cerithiopsis terebralis
Cerithiopsis truncatum
Cerithiopsis tubercularis
Cerithiopsis tuberculatus
Cerithiopsis tumida
Cerithiopsis vanhyningi
Cerithiopsis vicola
Cerithiopsis virginica
Cerithiopsis vitreum
Cerithiopsis willetti
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