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32 definitions found for Cephalosphaera

Cephalosphaera belongs to:

Cephalosphaera consists of:
Cephalosphaera acuminatus
Cephalosphaera appendiculatus
Cephalosphaera arnaudi
Cephalosphaera biscaynei
Cephalosphaera brevis
Cephalosphaera constrictus
Cephalosphaera cristata
Cephalosphaera eukrenaina
Cephalosphaera fairchildi
Cephalosphaera germanicus
Cephalosphaera guanacastensis
Cephalosphaera gymne
Cephalosphaera immodica
Cephalosphaera insularis
Cephalosphaera macroctenia
Cephalosphaera maxima
Cephalosphaera maximus
Cephalosphaera miriamae
Cephalosphaera pacaraima
Cephalosphaera panamaensis
Cephalosphaera parthenopipis
Cephalosphaera petila
Cephalosphaera prionotaina
Cephalosphaera procera
Cephalosphaera santiagoensis
Cephalosphaera semispiralis
Cephalosphaera stricklandi
Cephalosphaera tibialis
Cephalosphaera wauensis
Cephalosphaera zumbadoi

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