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18 definitions found for Cephalocroton

Cephalocroton belongs to:

Cephalocroton consists of:
Cephalocroton albicans
Cephalocroton cordifolius
Cephalocroton cordofanus
Cephalocroton depauperatus
Cephalocroton discolor
Cephalocroton incanus
Cephalocroton indicus
Cephalocroton leucocephalus
Cephalocroton mollis
Cephalocroton nudus
Cephalocroton orientalis
Cephalocroton polygynus
Cephalocroton pueschelii
Cephalocroton scabridus
Cephalocroton socotranus
Cephalocroton velutinus
Cephalocroton zeylanicus

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