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130 definitions found for Bothrops

Bothrops belongs to:

Bothrops consists of:
Bothrops achrocordus
Bothrops affinis
Bothrops albocarinata
Bothrops albocarinatus
Bothrops alcatraz
Bothrops alternatus
Bothrops alticola
Bothrops alticolus
Bothrops ammodytoides
Bothrops andianus
Bothrops asper
Bothrops atrox
Bothrops aurifer
Bothrops barbouri
Bothrops barnetti
Bothrops bernoulli
Bothrops bicolor
Bothrops bilineata
Bothrops bilineatus
Bothrops brachystoma
Bothrops brazili
Bothrops burmeisteri
Bothrops campbelli
Bothrops caribbaea
Bothrops caribbaeus
Bothrops caribbeus
Bothrops castelnaudi
Bothrops chrysomelas
Bothrops colombianus
Bothrops colombiensis
Bothrops cotiara
Bothrops diporus
Bothrops dunni
Bothrops eneydae
Bothrops erythromelas
Bothrops erythrurus
Bothrops flavoviridis
Bothrops fonsecai
Bothrops formosus
Bothrops furia
Bothrops godmani
Bothrops hageni
Bothrops hesperis
Bothrops hyopora
Bothrops hyoporus
Bothrops hyoprora
Bothrops hyoprorus
Bothrops iglesiasi
Bothrops insularis
Bothrops isabelae
Bothrops itapetiningae
Bothrops jararaca
Bothrops jararacussu
Bothrops jonathani
Bothrops lanceolata
Bothrops lanceolatus
Bothrops lansbergi
Bothrops lansbergii
Bothrops lateralis
Bothrops leptura
Bothrops leucostigma
Bothrops leucurus
Bothrops lichenosa
Bothrops lojana
Bothrops lojanus
Bothrops marajoensis
Bothrops marchi
Bothrops megaera
Bothrops melanura
Bothrops melanurus
Bothrops mexicanus
Bothrops microphthalmus
Bothrops montecelli
Bothrops monticelli
Bothrops moojeni
Bothrops muriciensis
Bothrops nasuta
Bothrops nasutus
Bothrops neglectus
Bothrops neuvoiedii venezuelenzi
Bothrops neuwiedi
Bothrops nigro-marginatus
Bothrops nigroadspersus
Bothrops nigroviridis
Bothrops nummifer
Bothrops nummifera
Bothrops oligolepis
Bothrops olmec
Bothrops ophryomegas
Bothrops ornatus
Bothrops osbornei
Bothrops patagonicus
Bothrops peruviana
Bothrops peruvianus
Bothrops pessoai
Bothrops picadoi
Bothrops pictus
Bothrops pifanoi
Bothrops pirajai
Bothrops pradoi
Bothrops pulcher
Bothrops pulchra
Bothrops punctata
Bothrops punctatus
Bothrops puniceus
Bothrops roedingeri
Bothrops rowleyi
Bothrops sabinii
Bothrops sanctaecrucis
Bothrops schlegeli
Bothrops schlegelii
Bothrops schlegelli
Bothrops sphenophrys
Bothrops subscutatus
Bothrops sumatranus
Bothrops supraciliaris
Bothrops surucucu
Bothrops taeniatus
Bothrops tessellatus
Bothrops tzotzilorum
Bothrops undulatus
Bothrops urutu
Bothrops venezuelensis
Bothrops wagleri
Bothrops xanthogrammus
Bothrops yucatanica
Bothrops yucatanicus

[de] German (Deutsch):
Amerikanische Lanzenottern

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