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21 definitions found for Boehmeria

Boehmeria belongs to:

Boehmeria consists of:
Boehmeria austrina
Boehmeria candicans
Boehmeria cylindrica
Boehmeria cylindrica var. drummondiana
Boehmeria cylindrica var. scabra
Boehmeria decurrens
Boehmeria drummondiana
Boehmeria grandis
Boehmeria grandis var. cuneata
Boehmeria grandis var. kauaiensis
Boehmeria macrophylla
Boehmeria nivea
Boehmeria platyphylla
Boehmeria repens
Boehmeria scabra
Boehmeria stipularis
Boehmeria tenacissima

[de] German (Deutsch):

[en] English:
False Nettle

[es] Spanish (Español):

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