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25 definitions found for Arelia

Arelia belongs to:

Arelia consists of:
Arelia attenuata
Arelia bilineata
Arelia borneensis
Arelia brachyrhynchos
Arelia ceratophrys
Arelia diplasios
Arelia feldmanni
Arelia javanica
Arelia kaupii
Arelia kopsii
Arelia lida
Arelia lingua
Arelia macrorhynchos
Arelia melanopterus
Arelia microlepis
Arelia oxyrhynchos
Arelia polytaenia
Arelia potous
Arelia quadrilineata
Arelia rhomaleus
Arelia senegalensis
Arelia solum
Arelia sumatrensis
Arelia waandersii

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