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33 definitions found for Agalope

Agalope belongs to:

Agalope consists of:
Agalope angustifasciata
Agalope ardjuna
Agalope aurelia
Agalope basalis
Agalope basiflava
Agalope bieti
Agalope bifasciata
Agalope buruensis
Agalope ceramensis
Agalope davidi
Agalope dejeani
Agalope diluta
Agalope eroniodes
Agalope formosana
Agalope fumosa
Agalope glacialis
Agalope grandis
Agalope hemileuca
Agalope hyalina
Agalope immaculata
Agalope javana
Agalope javanica
Agalope karenkonis
Agalope livida
Agalope lucia
Agalope olga
Agalope olgae
Agalope parthenie
Agalope primularis
Agalope sanguifasciata
Agalope simplex
Agalope trimacula

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